The importance of protection against atmospheric discharges on oil platforms

Oil platforms, marvels of engineering located in the middle of vast oceans, have witnessed countless challenges over the years. Since its inception, one of the main enemies has been the weather, with thunderstorms standing out as a constant threat to these expensive facilities and their dedicated workers.

The oil industry and lightning strikes have been natural enemies, since the high volatility of their compounds makes them especially vulnerable to the unpredictable nature of electrical storms. Lightning, with its destructive potential, represents a significant risk to the integrity of platforms and the safety of those who work on them.

With the experience accumulated in land installations, oil platforms, from their early stages of development, incorporated lightning protection systems. These systems have proven to be crucial in preventing possible cases of lightning strikes, thus avoiding catastrophes that could affect not only the infrastructure, but also the surrounding environment.

An outstanding example of success in the implementation of lightning protection systems is the RIG ADMARINE 261 oil platform, located off the coast of Liberia. This platform, equipped with one of our flagship products, the CMCE Marine Diamond lightning rod, has experienced remarkable protection against electro-atmospheric effects.

The CMCE Marine Diamond, specifically designed to compensate and stabilize the current of electrical charges in its environment, has proven effective in draining these charges to ground in harmless milliamps. This proactive approach not only preserves the integrity of the platform, but also ensures the safety of workers on board.

The CMCE Marine line has established itself as the safest protection, not only on oil platforms, but also on a wide variety of maritime vessels, from boats to yachts. Its impressive, almost 100% effectiveness in lightning protection makes it a preferred choice for those looking to safeguard their assets and lives in challenging maritime environments.

In conclusion, lightning protection on oil platforms is not only essential, but can also be a determining factor for success and safety in the oil industry. Investment in advanced technologies, such as the CMCE Marine Diamond, proves to be a key preventive measure that ensures operational continuity and the preservation of lives and resources.

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